Jacqueline Davidson Kopito received a B.A. from Syracuse University and a Master’s in Corporate and Public Communications, with honors, from Seton Hall University. She has written numerous articles for TWINS Magazine, the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and local newspapers. TWINTASTIC is her first fiction book for tweens.
An identical twin herself, when Jacqueline is not binge-watching Netflix, talking to her sisters (and Mom & Dad), practicing qi gong, hiking or rooting for the NY Rangers, she loves talking and writing about all things twin related.
Jacqueline lives in Short Hills, New Jersey with her husband and her two boys.

Hello Author Jackie Kopito, welcome to the RV Book Fair! What’s your favorite word?
My favorite word is Grace, which means simple elegance or refinement of movement, and courteous goodwill. I always try to remind myself to have grace no matter what situation I’m in. I think it’s important to conduct oneself with dignity and grace.
What’s the last book you read?
You Are a Badass Every Day by Jen Sincero. I really enjoyed reading this book because it reminded me to be focused, mighty and driven. It also helped me to overcome obstacles and self-doubts.
What inspired you to start writing?
Since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved to write and share my stories. I started writing for the TWINS Magazine and for Chicken Soup for the Soul a while ago which I really enjoyed. Then, I thought, I had so many ideas in my head, maybe I should just write a book?
What is your writing process like? Are you more plotter or a panster?
Writing Twintastic was an amazing process. There were days I would sit at the computer from first thing in the morning and not leave until evening- when a writer gets into the zone there is no stopping. Other days, I would write and then pace around the house, listen to some music, or throw in a load of laundry, and then try again to finish a sentence, paragraph, page, or chapter. Next to my bed I always kept a pad and pen, and I would carry them with me as well, never knowing when an idea would hit. Even though at times, working on the manuscript would be frustrating and all-consuming, I truly enjoyed the journey.
I’m a plotter. I would write outlines to help me lay out each chapter. I would also have a chart on each character for their growth and how they would evolve through the manuscript.
If you could tell your young writing self-anything, what would it be?
Keep writing and don’t allow yourself to get discouraged when agents, publishers or critics who don’t love your work. There’s a lot of rejection involved in the writing/publishing world because you never know what people are looking for, but eventually it will click, and all come together.
Do you hear from your readers much? What do they say?
I do get fan e-mails which are awesome! I usually hear from twins telling me that they are identical twins too and that they compare themselves to the twins in the book. For instance, the sixth-grade twins love to play tennis and my readers are usually in sixth grade and some love to play tennis too. And they all can’t wait for my next book which I’m in the process of completing.
What do you do when you are not writing?
I love to be with my family and friends and go out for fun dinners. I also love practicing qi gong, hiking, and watching documentaries.
What are your guilty pleasures?
I love my large Dunkin Donut iced tea with extra ice in the morning! It’s very refreshing and I usually have it after I work out or go for a walk.
Who are your cheerleaders?
My husband is my biggest supporter, next to my sisters. They are always there for me.
What makes you laugh the most?
I would have to say my husband is one of the funniest and wittiest people I know. He always finds humor in everything. My two sons always make me laugh too.
Visit Jackie’s website at www.jacquelinekopito.com