• Hello author Lindsay, welcome to Brand Education! Please tell us about yourself.
I am an educator, speaker, consultant and coach, content creator and author. I am the founder and CEO of Bold New Girls and Brave New Boys! I am passionate about equipping growing girls and boys with tools and strategies to navigate the growing years.
. Where are you from and where do you live?
Originally, I am from England! I now live in Vancouver on the west coast of Canada.
• What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to journal over coffee, run trails, bake and cook, create handouts and design courses, and spend time outside and watch movies with my partner, Kelvin. I also enjoy doing yoga, Pilates, biking, swimming, and singing.
• Can you tell us a little bit about your journey?
After high school, I attended SFU and graduated with a degree in English and Psychology. I had a year off to travel and work and really figure out my “what’s next”. I decided to go to graduate school and I earned my Master of Arts in Educational Leadership at San Diego State University and when I finished, I got my first career opportunity at a private learning centre. I flourished here and I loved helping young learners and having such meaningful conversations with them. After 12 years, I felt restless and stuck, so I started to dream about what I really wanted to do. This is when I started to create Bold New Girls – to empower young girls with learning and life tools. I launched my company and after just a few years, I decided to challenge myself and write Growing Strong Girls for parents – to help them cultivate connection with their girls. I then decided to start doing more speaking and workshops. Rooted, Resilient and Ready came next – a book to empower parents of teens, and I kept pushing myself to grow my website and online products and keep creating. Now, I am finished Made for More, and I continue to love the work I get to do every day and how, as I grow and learn, I teach and empower.

• If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
I am creative, generous, and passionate.
• What inspires you?
I am inspired by everything: people’s stories, my students, music, books, podcasts, TV shows and movies, and social media posts. When I pay attention and live in the moment, I become even more creative and excited to learn and then share new ideas.
• Share something your readers wouldn’t know about you.
I am actually very quiet, private, and spend a lot of time alone (though I can also be boisterous, social, outgoing, a public persona, and engaged with people).
• How did you get into writing?
I started journaling when I was young as a way to process so much of my growing years – I felt I’d forget or miss moments unless I started wiring them down. I worried I wouldn’t be grateful. Journaling helped me record all my experiences and better navigate the uncomfortable and difficult feelings in my growing years (and also became a valuable way for me to celebrate my achievements, accomplishments, and growth.) Journaling is something I still do today, though my practice has become more about goal-setting and dreaming!
• Can you tell us what inspired your work and what is the story behind it?
When I started working with young women, I noticed they are so talented and skilled, interesting and passionate, hardworking, and ambitious. Yet, they often didn’t see themselves this way. At the same time, they know they have more choice and possibilities than any previous generation, but they are often overwhelmed by so many options, stressed out from so many pressures, and stagnant or stuck in their growth. I wanted to help them and so I created a book that unpacks “more” – not in the societal way of more money, achievement and accolades, followers, and success; but rather, “more” in terms of confidence, authenticity, connection, progress, happiness, mindfulness, and power. I want young women to know their value and worth first, and that they are good enough as they are today, so they don’t have to search for self-worth in a degree, job, or relationship. I need young women to meet themselves where they are at and then decide how they want to change. I want them to feel confident enough to design their dreams and their days. And, this book, gives them the ideas and inspiration to get started. Mostly, I want young women to believe and then live out their “made for more” because they are so much more than their past, failures and flops, brokenness, and limited thinking. This book is a call to action for young women to make choices, embrace challenges, and become their boldest, brightest selves!

• Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share?
I am now working on courses and the Bold New Girls Academy!
. What are your goals and aspirations?
My goals right now are to be the healthiest and happiest version of myself, to practice being over doing, and cultivating joy every single day.
• Where can our listeners connect with you online?