If one may ask, “Where do ideas for plot lines and characters develop?”
An author may answer, imagination or … real life. Such was the idea that sprang to life within my imagination after visiting the St. Augustine Wild Reserve, in St. Augustine, Florida, US. Known as an ‘Old Folks Home for Big Cats,’ such as lions, panthers, cougars, tigers, etc…
These beautiful big cats are the leftovers brought from around the world to this WildLife Reserve. Leftovers from TV shows, movies, and those harbored as pets until the big cats decide to bite your head off! Ouch!!
A fan of quirky titles and cats both large and small, I witnessed a gorgeous 600 lb. Siberian tiger walk across a plank at the Reserve. Looking as though he planned on taking off a robe, this creature slipped into a galvanized tank overflowing with bubbles. Watching in awe four feet away and behind a fence, the tiger opened his jaw in preparation for the handler to spray Obsession perfume on his tongue. He lapped it up as one would a cocktail and swam circles in his human bubble bath, relishing each moment. Coming back for more Obsession cocktail, he licked the handlers face through a wire mesh separating them by only inches. I learned the perfume contains pheromones that calm their aggressive behavior. Thus, many times in the wild rocks are sprayed with Obsession and just watch those tigers nuzzle up to them chuffing, a tiger’s version of purring.
How alluring to see a wild animal behaving as a human in a bath of bubbles. It makes one smile and it certainly did for me as I watched in awe. In that moment, my brain and thought capacity conceived the idea for a mystery romance novel titled, Tigers Love Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume (who knew!) Then again who would believe it and yet it is truth.
Tigers …
- Really love bubble baths and are the only big cats that like water.
- Are lazy and want to sleep all day but will sit in a tub with bubbles forever.
- Are crazy about the scent of Obsession perfume. What does Obsession do to a tiger and what it will do to you?
- Are more likely to be in captivity than in the wild. How can we help care for and save tigers and other big cats.
Now you may ask, “How does a tiger and bubble bath and Obsession end up being a fiction murder mystery romance?” It is, my climax. And the title, Tigers Love Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume (who knew!) is a metaphor.
As the tiger was also thrown away, so was my protagonist, Angie Pantera, after twenty-five years of marriage for a younger version. As the tiger receives a second chance, so did Angie, starting over in a new town, Birdsong, Maine, with a new life. However, starting over can be MURDER! And not just one but many!
I am very humbled and grateful Tigers Love Bubble Baths…has received 5 Stars from Readers’ Favorite, Best Book, American BookFest, The International Royal Dragonfly for Mystery and debut. Recently, Eric Hoffer International award for Grand Prize Short List, First Horizon for superior debut, Small Press Winner for 2021 and NIEA award.
– ‘A delightful rollicking supernatural whodunnit’-US Review of Books
A quirky title gets my artistic juices flowing. Inspired by an artistic wall covering called, toile, it whispered to my soul a story, luring me into writing my latest novel, The Girl In The Toile Wallpaper. In this toile, I envisioned a love story, betrayal, abandonment, revenge and fantasy adventure.
Toiles do tell a story, whether on fabric or wallcovering their contrasting two to three vibrant colors lure you into their beauty. Then they speak to you through repetitive vignettes such as landscapes, villages, historical architecture, their beauty and ingenuity are endless.
My toile spoke to me in volumes creating The Girl In The Toile Wallpaper, a fantasy adventure trilogy to be published this summer.
I look forward to teaming up with a local cat shelter in Florida, launching their new opening and my latest published book, The Girl In The Toile Wallpaper. For a fun time, new kittens will be named after my book’s characters. Adopt a cat, get an autographed book, book sales will be donated in partnership.
Book Groups are welcome to contact me for reading my novels. I am happy to attend meetings either in person or facetime, zoom, skype, etc. and there will be Giveaways. Inspiration takes many forms and when inspired, look out, for you too may just be ready to start a new chapter in your life! Writing Novels.