Welcome to The RV Book Fair! DC, tell us about your latest book and what inspired you to write it?
The latest book that I have published is called The Traitor. This is book 2 in the Order’s Assassin series. This is a fun Urban Fantasy Adventure following our main characters, Eric and Sasha. Eric is a witch working for the Order of witches trying to find who betrayed them. Sasha is a shifter who just found her grandmother attacked.
This series is all about betrayals and secrets. What happens when the people you trust are not who they claim to be? What happens when people are holding things back? Who can you trust? I enjoy searching for those answers in this series and seeing what my characters can find.
What’s the most surprising or unexpected place or situation where you’ve found inspiration for your writing?
One of my dear friends texted me a short TikTok video a few years ago. The video was about a man discovering that the wallpaper in his house was made from something other than paper. The video left me with so many questions that I couldn’t stop thinking about. I wrote the opening scene to my novella Bloodline as an inspiration from that video. What if the walls in your house started bleeding?

How do you choose the titles for your books, and how important do you think book titles are in attracting readers?
My process for selecting titles varies depending on my series. For my Intern Diaries, each book has the name of one horseman as part of the title. While my post-apocalyptic series is more based on the stages of discovery, my main character faces. For me, titles should give the readers a hint of the things they can expect in that book.
What themes or messages do you hope readers will take away from your work?
One of the central themes in my books is the search for family/tribe. My characters are always looking for that sense of belonging. I would love for readers to identify that in my books. To realize that sometimes family can be the one we choose, not just the one we are born into. That is something that is important to me.

Are there any specific authors or books that have influenced your writing style or storytelling?
One of my favorite authors is Kim Harrison. She is probably the reason I fell in love with Urban Fantasy. Her Hollows series was the first one I read with a fun/strong female character that wasn’t perfect. There is action, magic, and just a fun character that has flaws but cares. I wanted more of those books.
What do you enjoy when you’re not writing?
I’m seriously an avid reader. Getting lost in a book is absolutely amazing to me. I’m slowly getting into audiobooks, and I feel like a kid in a candy store. Now I can get things done around the house while enjoying a book.
Are there any particular genres or topics you enjoy writing about the most?
While Urban Fantasy is one of the predominant genres that I write in, all my books have a sense of action adventure in them. My goal is to take the readers on a journey with my characters. If readers can get lost in a story for a couple of hours and be completely entertained, I have done a great job.
How do you handled writer’s block or periods of low motivation?
If I’m working on a project and find myself stuck, I find something physical to do and distract myself. This would mean jumping on my spinning bike or doing some cardio. Giving my mind a break from the story and just blasting music while moving has a way of recharging me. Without fail, after an hour of working out, the ideas flow again.

How has your writing evolved or changed over the course of your career?
I have found that the pace of my stories is a lot faster now. While my stories have a lot of banter between my characters, the action is more packed. I create adventures that move with more speed and a sense of urgency.
What advice do you have for aspiring authors who are looking to get their first book published?
The best advice they gave me when I was starting out was: do it afraid. So often we spend a lot of time trying to be fearless, to have all the answered, and be completely prepared before taking the leap. The reality is, every time you publish a book (from your first to your twentieth) you will still be afraid. You will be nervous and feel you are not ready. Take the leap anyway. The world needs your words. Publish that book.
Find out more about DC at: https://dcgomez-author.com/
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