Antonia Gavrihel, author of BACK TO ONE and the BACK TO ONE SERIES of novels, reveals her unique background and how persistence can make dreams come true! An inviting look at a writer and her creations.
Antonia has been writing since childhood. Born to an entertainment family — her father a comedian and actor, her mother a big band singer — she began acting as a child.
Antonia moved to Alabama to start a family where she was the Executive Director of a non-profit Arts Organization and the Greater Birmingham Humane Society.
While still acting on occasion, she is a law professor at Birmingham School of Law and an Enrolled Agent/ Master Tax Advisor.

BACK TO ONE: Antonia Gavrihel’s award-winning first fiction novel in the Back to One Series is a unique journey of friendship and love: Catherine Leigh and Kyle Weston have the perfect friendship—deep, lasting, and platonic. Friendship without sex? The world of gossip doesn’t buy it. Catherine is beautiful, trusting, and married. Kyle is a single, charming, handsome movie star with a tabloid reputation. Their bond may be magical and honest, but will the boundaries they have created to protect their friendship ultimately destroy it?

Ambient Light continues Cate and Kyle’s journey in Hollywood, building careers to new heights while striving to have everyday lives. The public’s interest in the two friends has intensified, becoming more invasive … and dangerous. Their relationship is unmercifully tested in an age of cynicism and gossip.
- Hello author Antonia Gavrihel, welcome to the RV Book Fair! What is your favorite word and why?
Thesaurus. I could not survive without a book of synonyms. Back to One is my adventure as a writer. I enjoy discovering new ways to express myself with the written word. I often scan my manuscripts to ensure I haven’t repeated the same adjective too many times and look for alternate methods of describing the same thing. It helps expand the way I look at subjects and be more creative.
- What inspired you to start writing?
Loneliness. I began writing in earnest as a latchkey child. I was shaping new “friends” and “loved ones” in the characters I created who were part of me to keep me company. To entertain myself, I would write poems, short stories, tales, plays, and even screenplays to create a safe, engaging world for myself.
- Do you hear from your readers much? What do they say?
I hear from readers all the time. At the moment, they are all clamoring for the next novel in my Back to One Series, Ambient Light, eager for its release in late September. Luckily, I have already written four out of the six novels in the series and am working on the fifth. The third novel in the Series, Cinéma Vérité, will be released next May 2023.
My readers have fallen in love with my two protagonists, Cate and Kyle. Wonderfully relatable, I’ve been told they have become my readers’ best friends.
- How do you come up with the title of your books?
The stories are set in the movie business. I felt it was appropriate to use industry terminology. “Back to One” is called out by the first assistant director when the director wishes to reshoot a scene. Everyone returns to their first position, cameras, crew, extras, and actors.
- What does literary success look like to you?
The Best Sellers list without a doubt for the novels. Since the books lend the stories to be made into a motion picture or mini-series…that would also be an outstanding achievement.
- What do you like to do when you are not writing?
Go to the movies! For me, the experience must be in a theater where you can “lose yourself” to the images on the large screen.
- What do you think makes a good story?
Engaging, relatable characters who are attempting to live the best life they can despite adversities along the way. There are exclusive extras in Book 2 and Book 3 – there will be a playscript of the movie Cate and Kyle make at the end of these books. Ambient Light’s movie Way Down is available as a special free bonus and Dangerous Type in Cinéma Vérité. It is complimentary and available through a link at the back of each book—totally free and lots of fun.
- Where do you dream of traveling to and why?
My goal young in life was to see the world. I have seen quite a bit, but there are more adventures ahead. These locations find a place in my writing and make the description of them far more authentic by sharing my personal experiences.
- Anything you would say to those just starting in the craft?
Write to please yourself, not an audience. Readers can feel that enthusiasm if you are happy and entertained by what you have written.
- State a random fact about yourself that would surprise your readers.
To see how long I could do I, I gave up eating chocolate for twelve years straight. It was a freeing experience. I felt better since I was pretty “hooked” on chocolate in those days. Now I have better self-control.
- Who are your cheerleaders?
My son, William, is my biggest cheerleader and my older brother. It is lovely to have two generations of my family stand behind me, urging me on.
- What was your hardest scene to write?
Without question, love scenes. Keep in mind these are not explicit scenes. They are very mild and romantic. I blush the whole time I write them and often have to stop mid-paragraph, leave the room, compose myself, and then resume. I feel as if I am peeking into a very private moment. Silly, huh?
BACK TO ONE Series. Back to One (Book one), Back to One: Take 2 Ambient Light (Book Two), Back to One: Take 3 Cinéma Vérité (Book three). More to come!
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Social media: @antoniagavrihel