Hi, I am John Ketelhut, Songwriter and Publisher for TopDanceSong.com selling the new dance single “Shapeshifting Dancing Me.”by Mystic Fog Garden.
I am ONLY distributing on SHOPIFY not Spotify, for Fair Trade concerns amid TicTok Technologies, Irelands, new digital distribution for Independent Music Artists. The Licience Agreement takes 65% publishing royalties, 10% Music Artist royalties on Top of only paying 1/10,000 /cent. I am also Founder of, The Rise-Up Independent Music Artist Movement. Please send listeners to topdancesong.com to download ShapeShifting Dancing Me for $1.99, and save the soul of Music from being ripped out of the Independant Music Artist. FREE MP3 Karaoke Video for all patrons.
ShapeShifting Dancing Me, featuring Hot New Dance House Singer Jenna Evans.
Produced by Top Ghost Producer of EuroDance Music since 1980 Francisco Scandolari. Songwriter and Producer Mystic Fog Garden, John Edward Ketelhut.

The combined Talent and Effort to Produce this song is 109 years and is “Not Free”. Hi-Fi BIG ROOM Wav file download at Top Dance Song.com.
It cost $1,200.00 to bring “ShapeShifting Dancing Me” New Dance Song to market. Tik Tok Technologies, Ireland, in March 2022 finalized the Purchase of United Music Group, the last of the big 3. TikTok purchased Sony and Warner previously. Tik Tok is paying Artist 1/10,000 of a cent. 1 listener pays more to me direct and 31 cents goes to Point of Sale and 50 cents for the website. John Ketelhut says, “I am switching Genres to EDM, I have a catalog of 34 free Indie Rock songs spanning 36 years on YouTube” Currently I am trying to make the public aware of what is going on in the music business with AI taking over, “AI is stripping the soul out of Music”.
My customers are DJ services, Night Clubs and Weddings, and the paying public. People have gotten used to FREE streaming music and disregard the Artist cost. Gene Simmons of Kiss said, “If it were a farmer giving away all his produce for free, there wont be any more farmers.” Please support Artist RISE-UP MOVEMENT, before Artificial Intelligence AI creates ALL YOUR MUSIC for you, without a living soul making music anymore. IT’s UP to YOU!
Thank you,
John Edward Ketelhut, Founder
RISE-UP Independant Music Artist MOVEMENT, Fair Trade for Independent Artists.
San Francisco, Ca. USA
ShapeShifting Dancing Me