Oral Health Essentials: How to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Strong

It is very important to maintain good oral hygiene since it prevents dental issues and health complications. Fortunately, maintaining oral health does not need to involve intricate techniques or costly procedures. Here are some ways you can keep your mouth clean from the comfort of your home.

Use Fluoride 

Fluoride is a natural mineral that strengthens tooth enamel and protects against tooth decay. Fluoride is found in toothpaste, mouthwashes, and treatments that your dentist may recommend. Choose a fluoride and hydroxyapatite toothpaste, and make sure you brush your teeth at least two times per day. Fluoride mouth rinses can also help by delivering the mineral to your teeth after you’ve brushed and flossed. Discuss with your dentist about the possibility of using fluoride treatments that can be in the form of gels or solutions that can be applied at home or at the dental office three to four times a year to give further protection against the cavities. 

Consider Your Diet 

Candies and other sweets can be dangerous for your teeth and lead to tooth decay and many other issues. Candy and pastries should be substituted with fruits that contain antioxidants as often as possible. Other crops, such as apples, and carrots, contain nutrients such as calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which play a vital role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Cheese and yogurt also help to build strong teeth as the calcium present in these foods helps in the neutralization of acids that lead to the weakening of tooth enamel. 

Choose Your Drinks Wisely

It is not just the snacks you eat that damage your teeth and gums. Soft drinks and fruit juices have also been identified to cause dental cavities. Replace the regular intake of soft drinks with plain milk or water, as this will help in preventing discoloration of your teeth. The juice that has not been diluted has nutrients, but it also containsa high level of sugar. Juice is also a significant cause of enamel decay and should, therefore, be consumed in limited quantities.

Brush Your Tongue

Don’t forget to take care of your tongue when you brush your teeth. Less toxic bacteria gather on the tongue. To improve oral hygiene and to improve the smell of your breath, brush your tongue lightly. Buy a special tongue scraper or you can use some toothbrushes which have a tongue cleaner attached at the backside to eliminate bacteria each time you brush your teeth. 

Clean Your Toothbrush

Some bacteria prefer to grow on a toothbrush surface that has droplets of water on it. When you are done with the brushing, remember to brush your teeth well and to rinse the toothbrush and then leave it to dry with the bristles standing upright. This ensures that the development of dangerous germs is checked. It is also important to change your toothbrush sets every 3-4 months and look for signs such as frayed or bent bristles that may indicate that the toothbrush should be changed. Young people might require new brushes more often as they brush their teeth with more pressure. 

Visit Your Dentist

Even if you take care of your oral hygiene at home, there is always a need to visit a dentist to have your teeth cleaned and your dental health checked. Cleanings are thorough and eliminate hard-to-remove plaque and tartar that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing. Your dentist also examines your teeth and gums to look for signs of cavities, gum diseases, oral cancer, and other problems that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Dental evaluations and counseling can then be delivered to address any other concerns you may have to ensure that you maintain good oral health throughout your life.


The health of your mouth and gums extends far beyond aesthetics and is deeply connected to the health of your entire body. Practicing the recommended daily measures such as using fluoride, eating right foods, and regular brushing and flossing are easy and efficient ways to ensure healthy teeth and gums. Dental check-ups help in identifying dental diseases at an early stage before they cause you any pain. Adhering to these basic daily practices and professional dental appointments guarantee that you maintain a radiant smile for decades.

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