Hello author John Pavon, welcome to BrandEducation, tell us about yourself
Hi! My name is John Pavon-my friend call me JP, I am a old man in my 70’s, So, I probably do not have much longer to live. I wanted to leave something positive to the world and the younger generation. Hence my reason for writing. I always wanted to be a writer, but because I worked my whole life never had the chance or the time to write.
Where are you from?
I was raised in a small town called, St. Helena, CA. Our family was raised on a ranch a vineyard ranch. I went to all my schooling in that area. I graduated from St. Helena High School, and later Napa Valley College. I was a library book worm remember long hours in the library basement reading nuclear energy back in grade school. What seem boring to most kids now I found interesting. So, you could say I was a nurd. But I was also interested in sports, succeeding in High School Track was running Varsity while I was a freshman. Yet was working on weekends, at our local Taylors Refresher! & My dad’s ranch.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Write, Research and running my Small Arts & Crafts Business-with four divisions which keeps me busy.
Can you tell us a little bit about your journey?
Its is what is it is, always tried to make the best of it. My brother Charles keep the game playing coming passing the time. Its funny now looking back we were always in a hurry. Now I have time to sell the roses?
With very little time left. I married, raise one daughter & adopted one daughter. Marriage was good while it lasted. Divorced and although I had come close to never found my lifelong mate. My daughter both had children my grandkids, and I even have one great grandchild.
How did you get into writing ?
-I always wanted to write book but never really had the time I was always working? Now that I am in retirement age I can write.
Can you tell us what inspired your book and what is the story behind it?
I was an American Red Cross volunteer for years with hundreds of hours in helping out during flood and earthquakes? I remember reading and watching on TV about the Tornados and the damage they cause. Image one minute you have a home, car and family and then they are gone. The American Red Cross has said, donations are down so what do you tell the fifth victim with nothing sorry we ran out of money to help you? So I wrote a book to help raise funds for Tornado victims, The Whirl Wind Man. A percentage of the proceeds will go for Disaster Relief.

What inspires you?
Isaac Asimov the Author of over 400 books both fiction and non-fiction. Through humor and satire Isaac Asimov creates a world where the reader can experience what it would be like to touch for the first time a blade of grass, to see the blue sky, or to catch a butterfly. IT’S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY is a Creative Short Story that readers of all ages will enjoy. My first book-The Whirl Wind Man I think does just that.
Where can our listeners connect with you online?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/john.pavon.3 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Laisseraller