Author: Lucia Matuonto

Lucia Matuonto is a published children’s book author, physiotherapist, Creative Director and has just added two more projects to her name. She is the host of the new interview program on called “UNCUT with Lucia”, and is also the host of her new podcast, “The Relatable Voice”.

Can you tell us about the two types of adventures you can have in life? Adventure is mostly about how you view the world. The first type of adventure occurs any time you make a major change in your life, especially if there is stress involved: Attending a new school, getting married, taking a new job or assignment, moving to a new home – all can be adventures. These are adventures of ordinary life. Then, there are adventures deliberately sought out: Wilderness treks, foreign travel to strange places, unusual sports like scuba or sky diving, are examples. A third type…

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How Stephanie Tran, Founder & CEO of Tutor Route, Helps Teachers Give Themselves a Raise Hailed as the “Edupreneur,” the former figure skater and certified teacher, Stephanie Tran, is changing the education game with her company, Tutor Route. As the Founder and CEO, Tran has an incredibly inclusive vision with her company’s mission to improve stakeholders’ lives in the education industry by providing solutions for parents, students, teachers, and schools. She uses her accumulated experience as a figure skating coach, classroom teacher, and master’s of education degree from Johns Hopkins University to create an explosive impact in the education world…

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It has been one year and five months since we started. The first episode, I was tense: I did not turn on my camera, neither did my guest. I introduced myself and read the script that I previously prepared and with a trembling voice, I started the interview, hoping that the guest would not realize how nervous I was. In that moment, I became the total opposite of what I am on a daily basis. Usually, I am an extroverted person who has no fear when it comes to conversing with people, whether I know them or not. I published…

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On today’s roadtrip, the RV is picking up Tarla Makaeff in Los Angeles . Tarla is a Self-Made entrepreneur, Online business coach, digital course creator and book author. Her book “The Essential Guide To Your First Month Of Online Marketing” is out now. Hello Tarla, tell me about yourself. I grew up in Los Angeles as an only child to a wonderful mother. Unfortunately, my dad passed away when I was 1. While she tried to make my childhood as normal as possible, I obviously still felt the loss of this other important person in life. This could be why I was painfully shy growing up. I…

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I had the pleasure to interview the talented author Ben Levin on the Relatable Voice Podcast. Ben is an inspiration to us all! Hello Ben, please tell us about yourself. My name is Ben Levin. I am an eighteen-year-old autistic writer. Those are the things that you already know. What you might not know about me is I love reading sports novels, and I have two wonderful parents and a brother who is an amazing friend and a talented actor. I also have two schnauzers. I enjoy going on walks and watching documentaries. I feel really happy whenever I’m in…

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What is your favorite quote or excerpt in the book? My favourite excerpt is the one where Syeira realises she loves Wil, because at the same time as her heart knows itself, she also knows they can’t be together. With great courage, and no hope, she tells him this in the kirkyard, in the middle of a storm. It’s also the moment Wil realises Syeira loves him – and he finds this confusing: “I regret anything I have done to pain you, Syeira, but I do not understand.” “I know.” Her low voice was audible only because the driving rain…

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ANNA, Texas – Daisy Paige has endured many trials and tribulations to become the person that she is today. Inspired by God to share her life story and help others who are going through difficulties, she now releases “Unexpected Moments” (Forwarded by Kirk Cameron and published by Xlibris). This autobiography charts the author’s early beginnings to her journey coming through the other side of tragedy. Here, she recounts how she suffered emotional, spiritual and physical pain from dealing with sexual, physical and emotional abuse, facing her father’s suspected murder, a family member’s suicide, and being diagnosed with rare terminal condition…

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Hello Beatrice, you wrote about your tough transitional phase that led you to write your book; can you tell us more about that?  During the birth of Mindless Behaviors, I was in a rough place. I was working 90 hours a week, running a business, with aging parents needing more assistance, demanding friendships, and my imitate relationships went down the toilet. I realized that I wasn’t living the life that I wanted but something that I was working against. My back was against the wall, and I didn’t know where to go but within. I needed to know what happened…

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This is a book of short stories of everyday human emotional experiences. Stories of profound loss. Stories of great friendships. Stories of growing old with a dog, of going to war, and of course, stories of deep romantic love. I hope the stories encourage the reader to do some introspection on what it means to be human. I believe the poems, like all art, will mean more to some than to others. Find more at: Twitter; @g_smithauthor Facebook; The Willing by Gary Smith@GSmithAuthor

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On today’s roadtrip, the RV is picking up Gary Smith in Italy. Gary is an entrepreneur, photographer,  the author of the Warren Steelgrave series and the award-winning book “A collection of short stories and Poems.” Hello Gary, tell me about yourself. I was born in Hayward, California; after high school, I joined the Naval Air Reserve and entered the electrical construction trade. I started my own electrical construction company in 1978. This became a large company doing large industrial jobs throughout the United States until my retirement in 2011 when I began writing.  Can you tell us a little about…

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