Pat Backley is an English woman who emigrated to New Zealand at the age of 59.
Her first book DAISY (a historical family saga novel) was written and published during lockdown last year and since then she has also published her memoirs(FROM THERE TO HERE, WITH AN AWFUL LOT IN BETWEEN) and co-authored a best- selling coffee table book (THE WARRIOR WOMEN PROJECT)
Her new book THE SECOND DAISY, the sequel to DAISY, is a continuation of the family saga which began in 1887, taking it almost to the new millennium in 2000.
“The First Daisy had a hard start in life. She was born in the slums of London in 1887, to a poor unmarried mother.
100 years later, we meet her namesake, the Second Daisy. Her life is much easier, but in many ways the two Daisys are very similar – bright, sunny and loving.
The only difference is that the Second Daisy is Black.”
Pat has three more novels and a travel memoir ready to publish next year.
“Having found my perfect career at the age of 70, I now intend to write until die!”
Her books are available in paperback or ebook on Amazon and most leading online retailers, as well as bookstores and libraries. For the duration of COVID she is keeping her ebooks (Kindle, Kobo, etc) at just 99c.
You can also order personalised signed copies and learn more about her, by visiting her website: