If we were to describe Michael Ross as a ‘legend’, and people have tried to insist he is, he would dismiss it immediately. Why? Because he is very down-to-Earth and modest. He would say, “I am an ordinary Human Being, just like you! I have my own set of skills, and you have yours! We can ‘learn’ from each other.”
Principally an Actor based in the UK, he has been involved in live theatre, Television, short films, TV Presenting, ending up acting in feature films.
But it was a visit to a clairvoyant one day who kept insisting he must write. He really didn’t believe he could write, so dismissed the idea initially, until approximately a year later he thought he would write a true-life story, based on a tragedy that happened to him, which he did. It was entitled, ‘Just Five More Minutes’, a book full ‘positive’ helpful ideas, which became an international best seller.
He was a prolific author, writing in many different genres and for children, teens and adults, but he felt he wanted to write a ‘classic’ series of books.
He has always had an interest in fantasy, and so he came up the idea of weaving an exciting roller- coaster ride of a story involving humans, elves, and magic.
Now, it needs to be said at this stage, Michael is a ‘Pantser’, an author that writes by the ‘seat of his pants!’ In other words, he tried to plot out a story, the characters, the chapters, the action, as other authors would do – but it never worked!
So one day, he sat at his laptop, with ideas in his head, and without any real planning, began to write, and as he did, the characters, the action, the ideas of the ‘world’ he was conjuring up, all became real!
His trilogy, The Wand Chronicles was written, and indeed, it was a monumental work. Three books, with illustrations, 500 pages per book, and even a short prequel to explain what was coming. He was worried at first, believing that his writing wouldn’t be accepted, but then countless reviews started to pour in and The Wand Chronicles quickly became a bestseller. He continued to write in other genres, but after writing 27 books, always believed The Wand Chronicles could become a film or TV series. And if by magic, an award-winning American screenwriter, Robert General, contacted Michael and came on board to write a TV pilot series with him and it is now shortly to be made into a major production Pilot TV series!
Never one to sit back, Michael recently discovered painting and is now sought after internationally to paint commissions of all sorts of subjects.
To check out the trailers for the TV series, The Wand Chronicles, and his numerous other books, go here: www.thewand.me
To check out his superb artist paintings, go here: www.michaelrossart.co.uk

How and where will they meet?
Be prepared to be entertained.
Be prepared for magic.
Unparalleled adventures await you!
Hello author Michael Ross, welcome to the RV Book Fair! What’s the book that changed your life?
Undoubtedly, it was the Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. It set me off on my lifelong spiritual journey
What’s your favorite thing about being a writer?
It’s the independence, the knowing that the time is my time. The quietness when writing where I can lose myself in the characters, the plots etc
If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
I would say that learning the craft of writing is the easy part. The grammar, punctuation, the formatting, spelling etc but then hoping your book will be a bestseller? Well now that is the difficult part. There is so much competition, unless you are writing in a very obscure genre, but marketing and advertising it so difficult
How long does it take you to write a book?
Well, once I start I become obsessed, possessed even. It has been like that for all my books (27 to date) Difficult to narrow it down to time because I have written a trilogy of 360,000 words, and a single children’s book of less than a hundred words
What inspired you to start writing?
It was the death of my wife, then the subsequent visit to a clairvoyant who insisted I should write, so I did, and wrote a true life story called ‘Just Five More Minutes’ which became a bestseller
How do you come up with the titles of your books?
I have never had a problem coming up with titles. I’ve known them even before I started writing. Since a lot of my books are fantasy, I enjoy coming up with obscure names
What does literary success mean to you?
If the ordinary man or woman or child in the street like my books, that means more to me than the awards and accolades from so called prestigious literary organisations
What do you like to do when you are not writing?
Well I am CEO of a large fitness brand in the UK, I am also a hairdresser with a number of hair and beauty salons, but recently I am an artist, which I love, and already completed several commissions over here in the UK and internationally.
What are your guilty pleasures?
Oh no, I could eat 4 custard filled donuts in one sitting! How terrible is that?
State a random fact about you that would surprise your readers.
I am a fully qualified UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) investigator. Completed a comprehensive 6 month study course. I’ve seen some interesting things, and out of them all, 5% could not be explained!
What is your writing style like? Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Most definitely a pantser..I can sit at my laptop with an idea and write for 6 hours. The characters, there names, the world they live in all comes through my fingers and types them on the page.
To check out the trailers for the TV series, The Wand Chronicles, and his numerous other books, go here: www.thewand.me
To check out his superb artist paintings, go here: www.michaelrossart.co.uk