“You Are Not Alone” came from suggestions/recommendations that I write a book that speaks to how mentoring can bring value to the support structure for mental health. After a rather extensive review of the literature that is out there, I found that there was literature that looked at mentoring and mental health from an academic perspective but not from a practice perspective. That needed to change.
Writing this book provided me with the opportunity to confront some of my demons and to also better understand why I had behaved the way that I did. I realized that I had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that I had not treated it properly. I had relied on my spouse and two children to provide the support that I needed and yet they had their own trauma in dealing with my behaviour. This book will give you a glimpse into my own story which will help you understand the value that mentoring could have brought me.
“You Are Not Alone” provides you with some insight into the world of mentoring and mental health. I hope that you come to the same conclusion that I did. There is truly a place for mentoring as part of the support structure for mental health. The benefits are many and include; reduced sick time in the organization, engaged employees, less turn over, less stress and anxiety, to name but a few.
I have learned so much in writing this book for you. I sincerely hope that you get the same value that I did and that together we can become part of the support structure and walk beside people that are beginning their healing journey.
Find out more at: https://talentc.ca/
About the Author
Doug Lawrence is an International Certified Mentor and holds two Mentor Certifications; Certificate of Competence – Mentor and the Certificate of Competence – Journey Mentor from the International Mentoring Community. Doug is the only one to hold the Certificate of Competence – Journey Mentor in the world today.
Doug served in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for 25 years retiring in February of 1999 at the rank of Staff Sargent.
Doug has been involved in the certification of mentors since 2009 when he first partnered with an organization to provide mentor certification based on knowledge. Doug has now partnered with an expert in certification to provide a certification for mentors based on competence.
Doug’s Practice of Mentoring continues to grow and has resulted in: 1) his teaching of others how to effectively mentor, 2)the mentoring of others internationally, 3) and being recognized as a thought leader in the mentoring space.
He has been working with researchers to examine the role of mentoring as a support for those struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). His experience in law enforcement coupled with working with people as a mentor who are suffering from PTSD has afforded him a unique view of mentoring and PTSD. His personal story is one that is compelling and it fuels his passion about wanting to help others.
Doug is a firm believer that mentoring begins with a person’s personal growth thereby helping to remove any obstacles or barriers to their professional growth and career development. As Doug has found, some of those barriers can be mental health and mental well-being challenges.
“You are Not Alone” came from the all to often stigma of people being afraid to ask for help, afraid to step out of the closet and say, “I need help”. Afraid to extend a hand to say, “its okay I will go with you on this journey.”
“You are Not Alone” came from cry for help and increased anxiety and depression from having to wait far to long for treatment and to begin a healing journey.
This book provides a solution to that problem.
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