Vicky Oliver is an award-winning author of six best-selling books that cover everything from career development and job hunting to business etiquette, frugalista style, advertising, and office politics. She’s written for millennials, those transitioning careers, and people returning to the workforce. We’re super excited to dive into her book, How to Live Like a Millionaire (Without Having to Be One), and soak up some of her wisdom.
Hello Vicky, welcome to BrandEducation! Tell us about yourself.
My first career was in advertising. Folks would roll in, not know who our clients were, know very little about our team, and often were unprepared. This inspired me to write about job hunting.
Where are you from and where do you live?
I am a native New Yorker, born and raised. I knew from an incredibly young age that I wanted to write. And I knew from a fairly young age that I wanted to write self-help books.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I take a lot of writing classes in my spare time. There’s always something new to learn. I also go to museums and art galleries.
Can you tell us a little about your journey?
I started in the advertising business as a receptionist. About four weeks later, I was promoted to secretary, then to a position that no longer exists called “traffic,” which involved carrying mechanicals to all the folks on the advertising team for their signature. After that, I had the opportunity to write a telephone sales script that did exceptionally well for that client. I was promoted to junior copywriter soon after, and started taking copywriting classes so that I could get better. After several stints in what was known at the time as “direct” advertising, I transferred to what was at the time called “general” advertising. I worked in advertising, learning and growing, for a long spell. Eventually I decided that the moment was right to write a book about job hunting.
If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Tenacious, hardworking, perfectionist.
What inspires you?
I get a lot of inspiration from newspapers–when I read true stories about people. I am also inspired by smart business people.
Share something our audience wouldn’t know about you.
I do a lot of volunteer work, including fundraising for my schools and other not for profits. I also enjoy organizing large get-togethers and parties.
How did you get into writing or doing this work?
I have always been writing something. As a child I wrote poetry. Then I wrote newspaper articles for my school paper.

Tell us about you book How to Live Like a Millionaire (Without Having to Be One).
The wealthier few get invited to glitzier parties, live in swankier homes, drive faster cars, and date hotter people. But why should life’s perks accrue to only the fantastically rich? In a world where social standing is determined by perception, Live Like a Millionaire (Without Having to Be One) will show you what it takes to mingle with millionaires, party with plutocrats, and attain the lavish lifestyle on a stipend. The book teaches you how to:
– Dress to impress, even if the emperor (you) has no clothes.
– Skimp on the items no one will notice anyway.
– Achieve millionaire hair for pennies.
– Develop frugalista fashion flair.
– Amass a $64 million vocabulary.
– Use your conversational charm and social media moxie to schmooze your way into the Inner Circle.
Attain the trappings of luxury, no matter your net worth!
Can you tell us what inspired your book?
I live in one of the costliest cities in the U.S. I was inspired to try to figure out ways to afford to live here. This is especially true right now with the inflation that has made everything from groceries to clothing exorbitant.
Are you working on anything at present you’d like to share?
Please stay tuned.
What are your goals and aspirations?
To help folks find work that inspires them and to be dazzling at it.
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