Ulrika Karlsson AKA Ullis Karlsson can draw on a rich career during which she was a Physiotherapist, preschool teacher, as well as a Personal Trainer. Additionally Ullis has been an Aerobics instructor, a Yoga teacher and Yoga therapist. Her expertise in Yoga allowed to evolve to Yoga mentor specializing in Conscious Breathing, Spiritual/Soul Coach and Educator.
On the personal front, she suffered a massive burnout, followed by depression, sleeping disorders, and for a time, was suicidal.
Surmounting adversity, Ullis has been seen on different programs on national TV, been interviewed in more than 10 podcasts and multiple magazine articles. She is a public speaker, a workshop leader for Northern Europe’s biggest festivals and one of the experts in a prominent Swedish platforms for Experts-ABLE.

- Hello author Ullis Karlsson, welcome to the RV Book Fair! What’s your favorite word and why?
I have 2 favorite words. The first one is Abundance for many reasons. After the first 30 years of my life living from lack perspectives, to feel and experience abundance was a dream, a desire and a goal for me. Now, as I live a life in Abundance I love the word as it contains the word dance, like dance your way through life. The other word is Unfuckwithable. I love it. It is a cocky/sassy fuck, which has many meanings to it depending on the situation. Unfuckwithable for me, is that I am here, I am standing up for myself no matter what.
- What’s the last book you read?
My own book The Sacred Soul – A Divine Evolution through Time and Space. I have read it so many times. I have listened to it, dreamed about it, visioned it as I added or changed one little word here or exchanged one word to another, more powerful word that would have the most impact on, or resonance with the reader. The Sacred Soul came like a calling, a download from the Akashic records, where the information travelled through time and space to be here in my/your hands today. I still like to read her and feel her energy.
- What’s the book that changed your life?
It was my own first book. My autobiography 2:47am The Journey Home to My Heart. 2:47am is about my own journey from being depressed, burned out and suicidal, and my journey coming back to life, health, and vitality.I started to write it in Swedish, my native language but I cried so hard as I sat down to write as I re-experienced it all. My friend said to me, this book must be in English so you can touch and inspire more people. Writing 2:47am was very therapeutic and transformational for me and has helped many others too!
- What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
The Freedom! Freedom is so important to me, on all levels. Everything that I do in my life, and in my line of work is about Freedom. To guide people into more Freedom within themselves, so they have access to more consciousness, happiness, inner peace etc. Because my experience is, that when I suffered from Mental illness all I longed for was to be free from that. Now that I am free from Mental illness, freedom is still what is most important to me. Free to be me, to do what I like, when I like, with whom I like – the way I like it .
- If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?
I am already a superhero in my life . Being a single mom that has been through hell and back is, for me, a superpower … Other superpowers that I have is that I am an intuitive empath, which means that everything I feel I feel it A LOT. I also feel what others are feeling/experiencing – in good and bad. My intuition is so cool, I just know things. I have had premonitions so many times, ie I knew this situation with corona way before it started. Another one of my superpowers is that I transform your frozen emotions and your Karma.
- What inspired you to start writing?
Actually, I was asked about where could people learn more about me and my journey from depression and being suicidal, as I was a guest on National TV here in Sweden. I also participated in a couple of articles and podcasts. People mailed me afterwards being so grateful that I shared my story which resonated deeply with them. They said that they were grateful as they had felt so alone in their experience, so to hear it from somebody else made them realize they were not alone. So they wanted to buy my book, which did not exist at the time.
- Do you hear from your readers much? What do they say?
I do. I am very grateful as I get so much positive feedback on my books (I have written/participated in five books). Like I said above, many are grateful that I am sharing my story in a very authentic and raw way. It helps them in their own journey. My third book Holy F*ck and Sacred Water – The Secret Connections to Everything is announced to be the best book of the year by its readers 😊! They say it is both inspiring, challenging, and it pisses them off. As if they know what I am writing deep inside, but they have forgotten they know …
- How do you come up with the title of your books?
The titles come to me. I have not spent a single moment thinking about the title. As I share many of my own experiences for instance in my first book 2:47am, the title becomes pretty obvious! As for the books Holy F*ck and Sacred Water and The Sacred Soul – those titles were channeled from the Akashic records and given to me from my Spiritual team. Besides that, you really want something that catches the readers interest at the very first glance – you could say Holy F*ck does that 😉. The Soul seems to be very interesting these challenging times …
- Where do you dream traveling to and why?
I have 3 favorite places in the whole world, Ingarö in the Swedish Arcipelago, Öland in the Baltic Sea and Madeira in the Atlantic. They are all islands! I just love these places, they feel like coming home. My vision is to live permanently on Öland or Madeira, as they represent the Divine Feminine for me. Each and every one of the islands are very different but they are so beautiful. They feel like they are on lay lines! I love the serenity, the peace and quiet, the natural raw wild beauty and being surrounded by the ocean on all sides. Why? See below …
- Aside from writing, what do you enjoy doing on your spare time?
Obvious things like hanging out with my teenagers as often as I am allowed to 😊. Having deep talks about Life/Existence and Spirituality with my beloved ones. I feel very grateful and very blessed to have the opportunity to teach/guide others in many things that I Love which also helps me navigate my everyday Life. Yoga is one of them and doing Karma clearings in the Akashic Records is another! I Love to be out walking in Nature every day with my puppy Daisy. Watching a movie, a cup of tea and a piece of chocolate ends my perfect day 😊!
- State a random fact about yourself that would surprise your readers.
Well, for those of you who have read Holy F*ck and Sacred Water – The Secret Connections to Everything this is no surprise. However, as most of you haven’t read it yet, it might be a surprise to know that a part of me is a Mermaid. I share how I reconnected with her in Holy F*ck and I knew just like that how to speak fluently “Mermaidian” … 😉. I am an old Soul who has been both in Atlantis, Avalon and Lemuria as a High Priestess, just to mention a few places where I have been working to raise consciousness – as I do here in this lifetime!
- What was your hardest scene to write?
The hardest chapter for me all categories was shared in 2:47am, called “Steps in the stairways”. It was so hard on so many levels, and yet it is so important since it is one piece of the puzzle that moulded me into who I am today and why I work with the smorgos bord of services that I do. I wont tell you what it is, as we all know in every good story there is always a cliffhanger in the end 😊 … Find out for yourself if you want to know . I have gotten so much feedback on that chapter by its readers, thanking me for my courage to share.
Mail Ullis at ullis@ulliskarlsson.com
Or website www.ullisk arlsson.com
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000261784102
Insta: @ulrikaulliskarlsson