Welcome back to today’s episode of The Relatable Voice! The RV is headed to New York to chat with Jenny Manion. Jenny is an energy healer, intuitive coach and author. Her book “A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform your Life” is out now.
So what does it mean to Re-Awaken YOU? Well, we are all born with unlimited potential, imagination and unconditional love from our soul. As we progress through life we have our challenges, many of us experience trauma and less then perfect relationships with someone in our family, friends, school mates and teachers, co-workers, significant others and the world around us. Each of these whittle away at our self-esteem and contribute to our inner dialogue which is usually not very empowering.
When we learn tools focusing on returning to our true nature; our soul and unconditional love – we can begin to feel empowered again. We always have access to this part of us, but boy the world sure is distracting these days. It truly is in taking time CLAIMING time for yourself that you can begin to reconnect. So many times I will hear the complaint from my clients that there is no time to focus on themselves and as a recovering perfectionist, believe me, I can relate. BUT I now know there is NO alternative if you truly want to create a life that brings to health, peace, love and joy. There are always small windows of time you can use to truly transform your life and re-awaken that true and most authentic part of you.
My journey began 15 years ago when I healed myself of seven years of chronic illness in 3 weeks. That was the opening to me truly understanding how powerful the mind was. It ignited my passion to show people the many ways we can reclaim our self-worth and give ourselves permission to fall in love with ourselves deeper than we ever have, right now as we are. So many times we are focused on what we have not yet done but it is in sinking into gratitude for all we have made it through and overcome and the blessings we DO have in our every day life that we can begin to heal from the inside out.
I have been collecting a toolbox to help others and am so grateful there are so many healing practitioners and modalities as there is no one tool that fits all with healing. I love working with my clients on how to improve their self-talk. Teaching them how to create windows of time to nurture themselves and live their passions. Sometimes the patterns are embedded so deeply energy work such as the tools I have learned through reading/clearing the Akashic records, Shamanism or the over 10 energy modalities I have gotten certified in help shift things a bit quicker. I know if someone has found me and resonates with my work we are meant to work together in some capacity.
Love is the most important healing tool and that truly does begin within. After healing I heard the words “look at your marriage”, to which I quickly replied to myself, “Umm, nope not ready to go there.” But a few years later I was and my ex and I were able to split on friendly terms and co-parent our kids with lov. Since, I have manifested the love of my life who I would never have been ready for with my old wounds and way of speaking to myself in place. It is truly knowing we are on a journey and taking one or two aspects of our lives at a time to focus on. All of the aspects of you deserve love. If you have negative patterns or behaviors in place they were there to soothe you or comfort you in some way. Judging yourself on them will not help give you the strength to change them. Learning how to love yourself in a deeper way, and truly reconnecting with that inner you who loves and supports you 24/7 is a way to begin this journey.
I consider the work I do and honor and privilege. For people to let me get a glimpse of themeless and open up. I show up to my clients with 100% love and non-judgment. My goal is to teach them how to show up for themselves with that same love and non judgment. Life is meant to be enjoyed. We are meant to be happy, healthy and feel passionate. It fills my heart with love to be able to teach others how to live from this space and truly re-awaken that love within that was always there waiting for their attention.
Find more about Jenny Mannion on:
Website: http://jennymannion.com My FREE online community is: http://re-awaken-you.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReAwakenYou
Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennymannion/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/re_awaken_you/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jennymannion