In an inspiring new partnership, Bollywood star Karisma Kapoor has teamed up with Modi Naturals’ Oleev to champion women’s empowerment and well-being across India. As the brand’s new ambassador, Kapoor will lead Oleev’s campaign to encourage women to make healthier and more thoughtful choices for themselves and their families.
Oleev, known for its premium cooking oils and pastas, is launching a bold new campaign addressing the pressures women face in pursuing perfection. The campaign’s central message, delivered through a compelling TV advertisement, underscores the importance of making sustainable and health-conscious decisions for long-term well-being.
Karisma Kapoor, a beloved figure in Indian cinema, expressed her excitement about the collaboration. “As women, we often grapple with societal expectations and personal insecurities, yet these conversations rarely come to the forefront. Oleev’s commitment to making the right choices resonated with me on a personal level. I am thrilled to join forces with Oleev to promote the idea that true health and happiness stem from informed, thoughtful decisions. It’s a message I hold close to my heart and am eager to share with women everywhere.”
The partnership is set to be showcased through a comprehensive 360-degree marketing campaign. This will include television commercials, digital activations, outdoor advertising, in-store visibility, and strategic PR engagements, ensuring that the message reaches a wide audience.
Akshay Modi, Managing Director of Modi Naturals, shared his enthusiasm for the collaboration: “We are delighted to welcome Karisma Kapoor as the face of Oleev. Her genuine commitment to health and wellness, grace, and authenticity make her the perfect ambassador for our brand. This campaign is about more than just our products; it’s about forging a deep connection with women, inspiring them to prioritise their well-being and embrace a balanced, fulfilling life.”
With Karisma Kapoor at the helm, Oleev is poised to make a significant impact, inspiring women across India to embrace healthier lifestyles and make choices that nurture both their health and happiness.