Interview with the Author Mark J. Rose

1. We live in a world of screens, what do you suggest to the audience to read more books?

Some fantastic statistics show how essential reading is for maintaining your brain cells. A child who isn’t routinely involved in reading activities before age eight experiences a permanent loss of neurons in a phenomenon called “neuronal sloughing.” This neuronal loss also occurs in adults, but gradually over decades. Basically, use it or lose it. Translating those page squiggles into mental images stimulates your neurons like nothing else. Pick up a book!

2. What is your favorite quote or excerpt in the book?

For me, Architect Chapter 60, The Undiscovered Country, is quite moving. It pays homage to my favorite SciFi film (Bladerunner), my favorite Shakespeare play (Hamlet), and perhaps the greatest sports speech of all time (by Jim Valvano).

Palmer’s hands started shaking, so Jacob stepped forward to take his whiskey glass.

“If I only had one more day,” Palmer said in little more than a whisper. “I’d spend it walking in the sun holding a woman’s hand. I’d laugh, I’d cry, I’d share my whiskey, and I’d forgive. That would be a pretty good day.”

Matt saw Palmer squeeze Cromwell’s hand. Matt stepped forward to see Palmer’s face. Palmer opened his eyes and looked straight ahead. “Time to die,” he said and then went still.

3. Is there another book coming?

I’m still deciding on the plot for the fifth book in the Matt Miller in the Colonies series. I wrote a few prequel chapters explaining how the Taylor family entered the horse breeding business. Matt Miller wakes up on their farm years later after traveling in time. The book would switch back between the prequel chapters and the present day (1773).

4. Why do you think your books resonate with your audience?

Matt Miller is a hero, and there is something fulfilling about being immersed in a hero’s journey. A hero has convictions and fights for what is good and right. We need examples of this more today than ever. Matt Miller is the noble, honorable, and unyielding character that men should strive to be and women should want as their partners. He certainly is the kind of man I want my daughters to marry.

5. What was your favorite book before becoming a writer?

Dune by Frank Herbert has been my lifelong passion. I read it once a year for twenty straight years. It’s been a massive influence on my writing.

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