Hello Coralee, welcome to BrandEducation! What is the book that changed your life?
The big leap by Gay Hendricks. It took me months to read because it had so many things I needed to apply in my life. He helps you identify obstacles in your life that are holding you back from being happy.
What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
My book speaks for myself without any words. When people know I wrote the best selling book it shows that I am the authority in my industry.
If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
I would let my younger self know I chose a great career path and spouse. The automotive industry opened up many doors for me. Getting married at a young age is a strange concept for some but when you find someone who meshes well with you, don’t wait.
What inspired you to start writing?
Everyone including my friends and family have a horror story about taking the vehicle for maintenance and repairs. A popular question in job interviews is “how do you handle upset customers”? My answer is I rarely have upset customers and when I do it’s usually because I did not communicate with them properly. After realizing this I wanted to share my way of doing things, having less upset customers and ultimately change the reputation of the Automotive Industry.
Do you hear from your readers much?
Yes, they often become my clients and business colleagues. Reviews are always appreciated.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
When I was growing up there was not a specific job or career that I wanted. My parents raised my to believe I could do anything. I knew that I wanted to have a happy family life, that I wanted to have enough money to live the life I want and areas to compete and grow.

What motivates you?
When I hear a story about a friend, family or acquaintance who has felt like they have been wronged by someone in the automotive industry. It truly hurts my heart for everyone involved. I can “see” what went wrong in the interaction and want to help everyone.
Where do you dream travelling to and why?
There are too many places in the world I would like to see! I want to go anywhere on the ocean. Iceland is the only place you can snorkel/scuba dive in between 2 tectonic plates. Seeing the Moais on Easter Island would be amazing!
Anything you would say to those just starting out in the craft?
Always do your best and work hard. Ask questions if you don’t know or understand something, never pretend or lie. Surround yourself with an great team who has your back and you have theirs. Know how to bring them up when they are down and they should know how to help and encourage you as well. The Automotive Industry can be a toxic work environment so make sure you don’t get stuck in one, walk away when you guys tells you to.
What do you enjoy doing on your spare time?
About once I month I Autocross my 2019 VW Golf R. Autocross is a cone obstacle course you drive through as fast as you can without hitting cones. I rock climb often. I also enjoy scuba diving.
How do you generate new ideas?
I am in different Automotive Industry Facebook groups where I see experiences people are going through and create content around these. I also follow others in my space and decipher how I am different than them and use that to market my self. For example many sales coaches have this masculine football coach energy psyching up the team to go beat their opponents. My approach is more of an elementary school teacher that want to guide and educate so they can make the best choice for themselves.
What is the key lesson you want everyone take away from your work?
Whenever I am introducing my trade to High School Students and Young Adults, I always teach them a skill the will help them in daily life. You would be surprised how many adults don’t know how to check their tire pressure and go into a shop to have someone else adjust them. I always show and get students comfortable doing this for themselves.
Connect online:
www.coraleezueff.com, LinkedIn and Facebook