Treating my patients, meeting new people and writing have always been my passions.
I am a physiotherapist specialized in neurological issues. I used to coach the parents of some of my patients. I also gave lectures to other healthcare professionals, teaching them new methods in many different countries. Later, I published a children’s book trilogy titled “Zoe the Crab”.
Being a physiotherapist, I was inspired to write about inclusion and diversity for children.
“Zoe the Crab” is a bestselling series of fiction books about courage, inclusion and friendship. Zoe is a little crab who lives on the beach with her family and looks forward to making new friends. She is always eager to play on the beach, but she is afraid of humans and other predators. Surviving some dangerous situations is even more difficult for someone who walks sideways and needs help from others. After an accident she loses her claw and gets lost on the beach. Zoe struggles to overcome her fears and find her way home.
Zoe always compares herself to other animals, and she cannot understand why she walks differently. Overtime, through her adventures, she slowly realizes that every animal is different, and that is totally ok!
From this lesson, I hope that children with special needs and neurotypicals will be inspired by Zoe to also appreciate their differences and the differences of others. I want to show kids and their parents that having special needs or being different is completely normal. This book also helps any kid to better relate to those who do have special needs.
After becoming an author, I co-created the program “UNCUT with Lucia” in which I interview different authors to get to know the people behind the words. I am also the host and creator of the podcast “The Relatable Voice”, where I interview authors to talk about life, experiences and books.
“Zoe the Crab” is on Kindle Unlimited and it is FREE on Amazon TODAY. Visit , subscribe and grab a coloring book for FREE.
The Relatable Voice Podcast – Instagram @the_relatable_voice