On today’s roadtrip, the RV is picking up Tarla Makaeff in Los Angeles . Tarla is a Self-Made entrepreneur, Online business coach, digital course creator and book author. Her book “The Essential Guide To Your First Month Of Online Marketing” is out now.
Hello Tarla, tell me about yourself.
I grew up in Los Angeles as an only child to a wonderful mother. Unfortunately, my dad passed away when I was 1. While she tried to make my childhood as normal as possible, I obviously still felt the loss of this other important person in life. This could be why I was painfully shy growing up. I couldn’t even say hello to neighbors. I resolved to fix this so I could succeed later in life and so, in college, I threw myself into acting classes. And it worked. I’m still an introvert and have moments of shyness but for the most part, no one would ever know!
. Where are you from and where do you live?
I’m from Los Angeles and still live here. I wouldn’t trade it for anywhere else.
• What do you like to do in your spare time?
I absolutely love the beach so I spend much of my time there walking my dogs. I enjoy wine tasting, and I’m a self-taught gourmet cook. I love traveling up the coast to Santa Barbara or internationally like Paris or Venice.
• Can you tell us a little bit about your journey?
It’s through an acting class post college graduation that I met my future boss who hired me at a marketing agency. Despite being an English major, that’s where I first really learned copywriting which became my profession.
From there, I worked for that agency and another for 6 years before going freelance and ultimately building a 7 figure brand for myself while generating millions in revenue for my clients. After my mom passed away, I further realized how short life is and that I wanted to spend less of it working and building someone else’s dreams. That’s when I became an online entrepreneur and now I help creative, heart-centered women start and grow their purpose-filled business online and scale their brand with copy that converts.
• If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
There are so many ways I could describe myself, but the three best adjectives would probably be authentic, compassionate, and outspoken.
• What inspires you?
I’m inspired by many things, but there are two that are close to my heart.
First, I’m inspired by authentic people. On social media, in particular, it can be hard to come across authenticity. I appreciate when people share their real and raw stories so others know they’re not alone. We’re put on this planet to help and serve others and what better way to do that than with your story? When we reveal the hidden sides to who we are and put a bright spotlight on them, it can powerfully impact others. This is why I’ve made it a point to talk about my struggle with depression and anxiety throughout my life due to the loss of my parents. I want to inspire people that despite the greatest of losses, they too can survive and thrive.
Second, I’m really inspired by kindness and compassion and by those who go out of their way to spread love over social media rather than hate. There can be a lot of negativity online, but there can also be a lot of positivity with people finding a source of connection and belonging particularly during the times we’re living in. I think we all need to remember that people can be silently going through something so it’s imperative to stop, think before you speak or type, and be mindful of the words you are using. Words are powerful and they leave lasting imprints.
• Share something your readers wouldn’t know about you.
My readers wouldn’t know that I was once a body double on the CBS soap The Bold And The Beautiful in one of the greatest soap opera catfights of all time.
• How did you get into writing ?
I was an English major in college with a Writing emphasis. I knew I loved writing but I had no idea it would one day lead to a copywriting career until I met my future boss in, of all places, a soap opera acting class through UCLA Extension. So very LA, I know.

• Can you tell us what inspired your book and what is the story behind it?
I wrote my book, The Essential Guide To Your First Month Of Online Marketing, for one reason. It’s exactly what I needed but couldn’t find when I first came online. I was stunned by how much there was to know and realized no one was teaching it all, comprehensively in one place. What’s more, I saw so many amazing women like me with incredible talents and skills to share with the world also not able to get to the next level online. Once I cracked the code, my passion became helping badass women create an online business that gives them the impact, influence, and income they desire.
• Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share?
My Iconic Copy course is slated to release in Fall 2022. It will teach creative female online business owners how to create modern, hip, and feminine copywriting that connects and converts without the need to outsource expensive writing professionals like me. Leveraging my 13 year copywriting background writing for the big brands and Hollywood studios, it will dish out the fundamentals of copywriting and marketing strategies to scale students’ online businesses to the next level. They’ll also have an opportunity to take part in private, one-on-one copywriting coaching to get firsthand advice from me.
. What are your goals and aspirations?
My mission is to empower women to go after their wildest dreams and become forces in this world so they can make the impact they desire. The more people’s lives I can touch, the more fulfilled I continue to feel. For me, it’s all about leaving a legacy.
• Where can our audience connect with you online?
The best place to find everything I’m up to including my book, courses, and coaching is at www.TarlaMakaeff.com. They can also find me on Instagram and Facebook @TheTarlaMakaeff.