, one of India’s leading Wed-Tech companies, has announced a groundbreaking collaboration with veteran actor Anil Kapoor as its brand ambassador. The partnership aims to expand the reach of the platform’s community-based matrimony services, making it easier for individuals across the country to find their ideal life partners.
The strategic tie-up with Kapoor, a beloved actor with a career spanning over 45 years, is expected to significantly enhance the brand’s visibility and trustworthiness. Kapoor’s image as a devoted husband, caring father, and affectionate grandfather resonates deeply with audiences, making him an ideal ambassador to promote’s inclusive approach to marriage.
Murugavel Janakiraman, the Founder and CEO of, shared his thoughts on the collaboration, saying, “Anil Kapoor has won the hearts of millions not only in India but across the globe. His legacy as a perfect family man serves as an inspiration to people everywhere. Our TV commercials, featuring Kapoor, will spotlight four prominent communities—BrahminMatrimony, RajputMatrimony, AgarwalMatrimony, and KayasthaMatrimony—right in the midst of the wedding season, reinforcing the importance of finding a partner who shares one’s values and community.”
This partnership is part of a larger, 360-degree marketing campaign planned throughout the year. The commercials, which will debut in January 2025, will be aired across major television networks and will focus on these four communities, helping further connect with its target audience. is known for its wide variety of community-specific matrimony services. The platform offers over 200 categories based on caste, religion, occupation, and special groups, enabling individuals to find partners who align with their unique backgrounds and preferences. This community-based approach allows to cater to diverse segments of the Indian population, facilitating meaningful and lasting connections.
With Anil Kapoor’s endorsement and the launch of this extensive marketing campaign, is poised to continue its leadership in India’s growing wed-tech industry, making the search for a life partner more personal and tailored to the needs of its users.