“Living a pain-free ageless, life is only possible when we understand the power of creating a harmonious connection with our mindset, emotions, and physical body.”
The most important work in our life is listening to our bodies and how they want to move, rest, be valued, and be respected.
Your words have power – watch what you say your body is listening. Start to pay attention to the words you use to describe your body.
We are sometimes too busy and ignore what is right in front of us. In these pages, you will learn to lean into what your body is trying to tell you and to begin to value your pain. Pain is your gift, and it has something to tell you; learn to get comfortable listening and learning about your body in new ways.
The tools in this book will help you navigate the ups and downs of everyday life; the most important ones are mindset, movement, and meditation.
Video exercises are included to help you execute changes in your body. Stop wishing you were different and get the tools to help you make the necessary changes in your body now.

About the Author
Conni Ponturo has been in the health and wellness world for over 21 years. Her mission is to empower people into more movement and a deeper love for their magnificent bodies. As a former dancer, her career ended with the diagnosis of osteoarthritis, and with that, all of her dreams ended.
Searching for another way to express herself, she became a massage therapist and an actor, but her love of movement and Pilates really shaped her career.
“Pilates spoke to my soul the way that dance did, and it still does after all these years.”
Her love of movement and her ability to see imbalances in the body makes for a perfect system to reeducate the body. Ponturo’s knowledge of myofascial release techniques that you can do at home is unparalleled. Ponturo’s wish is that her clients are aware of their amazing bodies and how to work to the best of their abilities to allow them to move, feel better, and be even more alive. She is a multi-published author, vitality expert, and speaker.
Falling into Joy -eight simple steps to allow your body to become your best friend is her first book on Amazon. Her latest book, “Listen”- watch what you say your body is listening is available now.
Find out more at: https://absolutelygrounded.com/