Interview with The Author  Korynn Newville

Hello Korynn, welcome to BrandEducation!What was your favorite book before becoming a writer? 

A favorite! That is tough. I would say that it was and is, Staying With the Trouble by Donna Haraway. Her writing is what inspired me to learn, envision something different and pursue my book. 

Why do you think your books resonate with your audience? 

It can show new connections in their everyday life. It offers a new way to consider your body within objects, architecture and the earth. The book is for the curious minded, and the ones willing to take their thoughts on an adventure.

What is your favorite quote or excerpt in the book? 

One of my favorite drawings in the book is a mother breast feeding her baby within a hospital room while a mechanical hand made up of construction machinery is holding up the hospital wall. The hospital room is inspired by the Prentice Women’s Hospital by architect Bertrand Goldberg – it was a brutalist landmark of Chicago. Within this image, Calcium shows us all its complexities. It is constructed by man using machinery, within the brutalist concrete walls, and a nutrient for the newborn. The setting of the hospital offers a story of life and death of a building. 

Talk to us more about the importance of Calcium as an Indiscernible Element 

Calcium is in most, if not all living organisms. It makes up structures within plants, coral, humans and so much more. That same element is within the earth’s core and is used to produce various architectural products. Calcium tells us a story how we are all connected. The element shows its feelings with grieving, hope and acceptance of the changing planet.

Is there another book coming? 

There is, I hope to show more connections through different elements. I am excited to learn and show what other elements want to show us.

Find out more about Korynn at:


Please click on the attached link to listen to Korynn’s interview at The Relatable Voice.

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