I had the pleasure of interviewing the multi-talented actor James Quinn on The Relatable Voice Podcast. In addition to being an actor, James is also a producer and director. His work can be seen in the movies Sandman and The Consumer.
Hello James, welcome to BrandEducation! What is the last book that your read?
Strange Angels from Author Ernest Keegan. It’s the bases for our new streaming series that we currently have in production.
What is the book that changed your life?
Michael Cain (Acting In Film). His views on acting that he expressed in the 1970’s still hold true in 2023. Amazing read. Changed the way I look at acting.
What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
I love creating a world from scratch. Developing characters and situations are very intoxicating. More than anything I love to see the reaction my readers have to learning about these characters & situations.
What inspired you to start writing?
My greatest writing inspirations have come from wanting fresh stories and themes for our actors to breath life into.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up.
I wanted to be a professional wrestler & become an actor. So I’ve made one out of two happen so far. I wanted to engage with & entertain audiences.

What motivates you?
I am motivated by having a vision that people say is impossible. I want to prove them wrong by showing them that nothing is impossible, it’s merely improbable at times.
How do your generate new ideas?
I tend to generate new idea based on life experiences. I find that life’s ups and downs can inspire the most authentic and passionate cinema.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I like to spend as much time as possible with my family. I like to play ice hockey, train at the gym & read books.
What are your guilty pleasures?
I tend to eat pretty healthy but I do have a hard time passing up a good brownie. They just seem to call to me. So I’ll eat them, and then feel guilty, and spend the next 3 days working harder in the gym.
What is the key lesson you want everyone to take away from your work?
Dream big and don’t listen to haters. While they are busy hating on you, you are to busy giving them something to hate. You have to believe your vision is achievable before anyone else will. Make your goal to inspire and build the people up around you. Stay positive.
Find out more about James at : Instagram and Twitter : @RealJamesQuinn
Listen to James episode on The Relatable Voice Podcast and visit: https://www.relatable-media.com/