Does fasting really brings you closer to God? A 7 Minute Sharing Article by Adrian Goh Guan Kiong

A 7 Minute Read Article by Adrian Goh Guan Kiong on his own experiences

Profile of Adrian Goh, Baptized name: Barnabas
– A family man and a Christian who volunteers overseas (Indonesia, Myanmar and other countries)
– Highly experienced in physical security, workplace safety, facilities management, human resource management. He is also workplace safety and fire safety certified
– He is equally comfortable in leading in major operations and administrative work

His other articles, for sharing, can also be found here:

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that has been practiced for centuries in various religious traditions, including Christianity, as a way to draw closer to God. While fasting involves abstaining from food or certain activities for a period of time, its deeper purpose goes beyond physical deprivation. Here’s why fasting can bring you closer to God:

Fasting Increases Focus on God

Fasting creates space in your life to focus more intentionally on God. In our daily routines, distractions often crowd our minds, making it difficult to maintain spiritual focus. By temporarily setting aside the physical act of eating or other daily comforts, we remove some of the distractions that can divert our attention from God.

As we fast, we can dedicate more time to prayer, meditation on Scripture, and worship, which enhances our awareness of God’s presence. Jesus Himself emphasized the importance of fasting in Matthew 6:16-18, urging His followers to do it in secret so their Father in heaven would see and reward them. Fasting redirects our hunger from earthly things to a spiritual hunger for God’s presence.

Fasting Teaches Dependence on God

Fasting reminds us that we are not sustained solely by physical food but by God. In Matthew 4:4, when Jesus fasted for 40 days and was tempted by Satan, He responded, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” This statement highlights the reality that our ultimate sustenance comes from God, not just from physical nourishment.

During a fast, when we feel hunger, it serves as a reminder of our need for God’s spiritual provision. We recognize that just as we depend on food for physical survival, we rely on God for our spiritual sustenance, guidance, and strength. This deepens our dependence on Him and strengthens our faith.

Fasting as an Act of Humility and Repentance

Fasting is often paired with humility and repentance in the Bible. In the Old Testament, people fasted as a sign of humility before God and in seeking forgiveness for their sins. In Joel 2:12, God calls His people to return to Him with “fasting, weeping, and mourning.”

Fasting is a way of humbling ourselves before God, acknowledging our need for His mercy and grace. By refraining from physical indulgence, we symbolically express our willingness to surrender and submit to God’s will. This repentance and humility can soften our hearts, making us more receptive to hearing from God and experiencing His transformative power.

Fasting Intensifies Prayer

Fasting amplifies the power of prayer. Throughout the Bible, fasting is often accompanied by prayer, and the two are deeply connected. In the book of Acts, we see the early church leaders praying and fasting as they sought God’s guidance (Acts 13:2-3). The physical discipline of fasting intensifies the spiritual discipline of prayer, as it signifies a deeper level of commitment and urgency.

When you fast, your prayers can become more focused and earnest, as you’re setting aside time specifically to seek God’s will, direction, and presence. Fasting helps align our hearts with God’s heart, making us more sensitive to His voice and leading.

Fasting Removes Obstacles to Spiritual Growth

In addition to strengthening your prayer life and relationship with God, fasting can also reveal obstacles that may be hindering your spiritual growth. When you fast, cravings and desires that you may not have been fully aware of often surface. These might include not just physical hunger but also emotional dependencies, unhealthy attachments, or sinful habits.

Fasting can help you confront these issues by shining a light on areas where you may need God’s help to grow spiritually. As you surrender these desires to God, you open yourself up to His transforming grace, allowing Him to work in your heart and mind.

Fasting Fosters Spiritual Discipline and Self-Control

Fasting strengthens spiritual discipline by teaching self-control. By voluntarily denying yourself something as essential as food, you practice saying “no” to the desires of the flesh. This discipline can carry over into other areas of your life, making it easier to resist temptation and choose obedience to God.

In Galatians 5:22-23, self-control is listed as one of the fruits of the Spirit. Fasting provides a practical way to cultivate this fruit, helping you grow in spiritual maturity and deepen your relationship with God.

Fasting Prepares the Heart for God’s Will

When you fast, you are in a position of readiness to hear and respond to God’s will. The Bible shows us that people often fasted when they were seeking God’s guidance in times of uncertainty or transition. For example, Moses fasted for 40 days before receiving the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28), and Esther called for a fast before risking her life to save her people (Esther 4:16).

Fasting is a way to quiet the noise around you and position yourself to discern God’s voice and direction more clearly. When done with a heart of faith and openness, fasting can bring clarity, revelation, and a greater understanding of God’s purposes for your life.

Conclusion: Fasting as a Pathway to Closer Intimacy with God

Fasting, when approached with the right heart and attitude, is a powerful spiritual discipline that can draw you closer to God. It enhances your focus, teaches you dependence, fosters humility and self-control, and deepens your prayer life. As you fast, you create space for God to move in your life, leading you into greater spiritual growth and intimacy with Him. Through fasting, you acknowledge that God is the ultimate source of your strength and sustenance, unlocking a deeper connection to His presence and guidance.

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