The Little Girl in The Moon
An inquisitive little girl who lives on the moon wonders if earth children know about ‘moonlings’. Her mom asks her if they did, what she would want the earth children to know about her life on the moon. The little girl shares her thoughts on how she’s ‘just like them’ and with each illustration you see the connection of the earth and the moon. Creative depictions of each phase of the moon reveal a bit more of the little girl until eager readers finally see her bright smiling, full-moon face. She’s from a different place but deep down inside, she’s really ‘just like them’!

Harry the Camel
Harry the Camel will surely pull on the heart strings of readers as he pines for a life he can never have. Harry lives in the sand dunes of Dubai, and he often watches from a distance as the beautifully sleek race horses at the track run their laps. He laments that his back isn’t as smooth as theirs and wonders how much faster he could run without his bulky old hump. As he dreams of the possibilities, Dover the bird swoops in and teases him about his hump, making him feel even worse about how he looks. As he makes his way sadly home he happens upon a little boy named Omar. Harry learns that Omar is lost. Who better than a camel to lead a lost boy out of the desert? In the end, Harry discovers there is nothing better than being yourself and, for the first time, Harry is proud to be a camel.

Charlie and the Tire Swing: How it Began
Charlie and the Tire Swing is a beautiful intergenerational story told from the perspective of Charlie and his Grandpa Jack. Over a cup of hot chocolate, Charlie’s grandfather tells the story of how he planted an acorn with his own grandfather, Charlie’s Great-Great Grandpa George, and how he tenderly cared for it and watched it grow, from one season to the next. He shares how, over the years, as the acorn grew into a might oak tree, how each generation enjoyed the shade of the tree, climbing it, reading under it, and gathering together as a family around it. It’s a story of growing strong family ties, of sharing stories from generation to generation, and of appreciating nature and the simple things in life, like swinging on a tire swing. The learning opportunities range from the science of growing things, to interpersonal relations, the health benefits of outdoor activity, and innovation, problem solving, and creative play.

A Time To Fly!
This baby bluebird will capture your heart as he shares with his momma why he doesn’t want to leave the nest and join his siblings. The momma listens to her baby bird and, with gentleness, helps him build the courage to fly and join the rest of his family. So come along for the journey and become excited for the baby bird as he discovers he can fly and soar through the sky. It is a heart-warming story and beautifully illustrated with a powerful message of “I Can Do It.”

About The Author
Diann Floyd Boehm is an award-winning international author. Diann writes children’s books and young historical fiction adult books. In addition, Diann writes books to inspire kids to be kind, like themselves, peace, and to “Embrace Imagination”. You can find all her books on Amazon.
Find out more about Diann and her lovely books at: and IG: @diann_floyd_boehm