The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery is an 8.5 x 11, 380 page, presentation for crystal healing professionals. The unique content is also of interest to energy healers, and other practitioners,seeking to advance their knowledge of energetic dynamics. Equivalent to 7 Crystal Surgery courses! Hundreds of full-color photographs, diagrams, step-by-step instructions, Table of Contents, Index, and more. Winner of an IAN Book of the Year Award 2020 in the category Education/Reference. The presentation includes: A Preface and Table of Contents, Introduction to Crystal Surgery and the Etheric Dimension, Energy Anatomy illustrations and explanations, Over 100 Skill Diagrams, Over 100 Techniques and Procedures with step-by-step instructions, Over 350 Stone Photographs, Over 100 Illustrative Photographs, A Glossary, a list of References, a Subject Index, and a Stone Index. Each Crystal Surgery Skill has an accompanying video demo posted on

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About the Author
Vivien has worked in private practice, as a Teacher and Energy Healer, since 1983.
Born in Cape Town, South Africa, Vivien moved to the USA in 1991. She obtained her degrees in Psychology at the University of Cape Town (M.A. 1984) and completed her training in the Alexander Technique at the Constructive Teaching Center in London (Certified 1983.) In addition to these academic pursuits, Vivien studied martial arts, achieving a 4th degree black belt in Taekwondo; with past lives author, Brian Weiss, and with crystal author, Melody,
As an accomplished practitioner, Vivien is also a teacher of teachers: In 1993, Vivien and her husband, Neil, founded Alexander Technique of Cincinnati, a school for training Alexander Teachers, and in 1999, Vivien founded FourWinds Academy for the Healing Arts & Sciences, a school for training Healers. FourWinds Academy incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 2000.
Vivien has published several books: The Complete Guide to Crystal Surgery (2020); How to Establish and Maintain a Strong Client Base (1996); Everyday Magic (2002); How to Lose Weight and Gain Money A Program for Putting Your Life in Order, with co-author Drew Logan (2004) and Guided Lessons for Students of the Alexander Technique, with co-authors Nancy Dawley and Neil Schapera. Vivien writes articles on request for newspapers and magazines, most notably The Energy of Money for Massage & Bodywork (2004)
Vivien teaches workshops in all her subjects from coast to coast in the USA, in London, UK, and in Cape Town, South Africa. Vivien makes 2 -3 trips per year to teach in New York, and 1trip per year to teach in Cape Town.
Crystals and stones populate every corner of Viven’s work and home life, but Vivien is not only in tune with crystals and minerals. Vivien and Neil live in close harmony with the animal and plant kingdoms too – they have 2 rescue cats, Birdy and Wolfie, and from spring to fall they are avid gardeners.
To add dimension, in an annual cycle, Vivien and Neil immerse themselves in each of the kingdoms: At the end of January they go to Tucson for the gigantic gem and mineral trade show; then, they return to South Africa and go on safari, and over Christmas, when the Midwest is blanketed in winter, they visit an island in Florida to enjoy their love of Nature Each of the kingdoms is a major resource to them – providing a special way to rejuvenate the spirit and recharge the soul.
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