When interviewed about her novel Back to One, Antonia Gavrihel is often asked: Is Back to One a romantic love story? She senses that she is actually being asked—is it steamy and passionate? No, it’s not a romance novel, but it is a love story. The difference is a bit more complex than you imagine. Antonia explains:
A love story Antonia sees as life and the life one is living. It is sweet, authentic, and, in essence, who we are. We live love stories every day. From the moment of birth and the relationship between child and parent is formed, these love stories encircle us. So, the first love story is with our family. It will continue with our children as well. And then there is what could be the most remarkable love story of all… friendship.
Friendship and love are deeply intertwined. They are symbiotic. One cannot have a good friendship without, on some level, respecting and loving that person. One can’t have love without the foundation of an abiding, trusted friendship. Even with our life partners, there must be a beginning level of friendship before love can develop. It is often the friendship that holds couples together. Once the initial spark has fizzled, it is the laughter and sharing of a well-grounded comradery that keeps couples together…that keeps the love alive.
Knowing and deeply feeling all this drew Antonia to create Cate and Kyle in Back to One– an unlikely and destiny bond alliance. How can such a unique friendship survive being scrutinized by cynics and naysayers? Because by developing an honest and enduring connection with another human being—fighting the odds together, supporting each other’s hopes and dreams—Cate and Kyle reap the best of friendships…and, of course, a true love story.
In Back to One, Cate and Kyle exemplify a faithful, dedicated connection that supersedes all else between them, always respecting the boundaries they have in place to protect their rare friendship.
Romance is not necessary. In reality, it can, and often does, limit the evolution of this love story. Placing it in a small box of intense, but not necessarily genuine, emotion.
A love story is simple and quiet, peaceful even facing difficult times. It is loyal and selfless and fills one with understanding and compassion. A love story is exquisite and unassuming at the same time.
The journey of Back to One is not unlike our own. We pursue love and wholeness in life. We often search for the right people to make life worth living. For some, it seems an endless, even futile, search. Ironically, the right people are already all around us, shaping us, nurturing our very soul. By simply changing our perspective, we can appreciate the love that already surrounds us.
Antonia, answering the original question, stated Back to One is a love story of deep friendship. And Cate and Kyle’s story is and will be throughout all of theBack to One series an admirable friendship revealing the heart of perfect love.
Social media: @antoniagavrihel

Welcome back to another episode of the RV! today we are heading to Alabama to speak to Antonia Gavrihel. Antonia is an actress, a law professor and the author of the book Back to One. Find more about The Relatable Voice Podcast on https://www.luciamatuonto.com/ Instagram: The_relatable_voice.