What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Eye Surgery?
The benefits of laser eye surgery aren’t much of a secret in the medical world. Almost everyone who has undergone this treatment will only sing its praises. However, you may still be on the fence about having the procedure yourself. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of laser eye surgery for you to consider.
Advantage: No More Glasses or Contact Lenses
The most pressing reason that people go to laser eye surgery clinics is to decrease their reliance on their glasses and contact lenses. These are helpful tools for improving eyesight as needed, but they’renot long-term solutions and can be frustrating to wear. Some people find glasses extremely unflattering and uncomfortable. Contact lenses can be unpleasant to put in and take out. With laser surgery, the need to use these is reduced. Some people are fortunate enough to be able to enjoy a prolonged period of time after their surgery to not need glasses or contacts at all.
Disadvantage: Upfront Costs Can Be High
Not every clinic will have the same price list, but compared to buying glasses and contact lenses, laser eye surgery is expensive. This might make it out of reach for some people who would appreciate its benefits. The disadvantage here is not so much that the procedure has drawbacks but that saving up to have the procedure could take a long time.
Advantage: The Process is Painless
It may look scary to watch, but the process of laser surgery on the eye is completely pain-free for the patient. There is a chance of discomfort afterwards, but patients don’t needgeneral anasthetic for the surgery. Numbing eye drops are applied and the patient can take a light sedative to relax themselves if they choose. By researching treatment providers and reading reviews, you can receive high-quality SMILE surgery Adelaide with amazing results and very little or no pain. The more qualified and experienced your surgical team, the less likely it will be to cause any discomfort at all. Once you overcome the squeamishness of it, laser eye surgery is incredibly straightforward.
Disadvantage: It Doesn’t Automatically Make Your Eyesight Perfect
Although it would be wonderful if it were true, laser eye surgery doesn’t give patients perfect eyesight. It all comes down to the unique shape of the patient’s corneas and the existing vision problems. Laser surgery can’t address every possible issue with the eye, but it can make a huge difference, nonetheless.
Advantage: The Results Are Instantly Noticeable and Permanent
As soon as the surgery is finished, you’ll have corrected vision as outlined by your surgeon during the consultation. It may take a while to notice this at first since your eyes will be sensitive and maybe even uncomfortable for the first few hours or days, but this soon wears off and you can quickly start to enjoy the benefits of seeing clearly without glasses or contact lenses.
If you can save up the money to pay for the treatment and can accept that it won’t miraculously give you perfect vision, the benefits to laser eye surgery far outweigh the drawbacks.