Get It – Obi Alfred
All music genres have a certain continuity; they retain some of their past sounds and sonic traditions. But all genres also have to move with the times, search for new opportunities and explore their potential. The great thing about Get It, the latest release from Obi Alfred, is it does both of these things simultaneously.
Get It is built on all that is great about R&B but also on everything it might become as it moves into the future. It embraces the modernity of trap beats and cutting-edge production, a contemporary sheen, and pop-aware vibes but so too does it present a sense of where it has come from and tips its hat to past R&B and urban pioneers.
It embraces the past, helps define the present, and looks for where music goes next. That’s a great way to make music.
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You can connect with Obi Alfred on Instagram @obialfredx and website