Released on November 8, Riku (戮) is back with another hit single, “Rin Pun”
Riku (戮), the Japanese recording artist, has captivated his listeners with his latest single, “Rin Pun.” “Rin Pun” is a thought-provoking song that takes listeners on a personal journey through beauty perception. The song is about a woman who is self-conscious about her appearance and does everything she can to look her best. She spends a lot of time applying makeup and dressing up in tacky clothes in order to conceal her apprehensions and worries underneath her gaudy clothing and mawkish makeup. The artist focuses on a problem that most women face in modern society, which judges people’s worth based on their appearances. The song also expresses the pain that a woman feels as a result of her low self-esteem and the brutal methods she uses to achieve beauty.
Riku (戮) is a versatile singer with a distinct style to convey the brutal reality to his audience, and that’s what distinguishes him from other musicians of his age and caliber. His music immediately captures the listener’s attention. He expresses his experimental side through his lyrical melodies and astounding soundscapes and hopes to inspire listeners to reflect on current mental health issues through his musical compositions. Riku (戮) is best known as the lead vocalist for several well-known music bands, including HISKAREA, Phantasmagoria, Lin, and Chariots.
You can follow Riku (戮) on his Instagram and Twitter for more information on his upcoming projects.